1120 S. 39th St.
We'd like to hear from you
- The best place to start is your classroom teacher. Find contact information in the staff directory.
- For additional support or information contact your counselor or school principal.
- For district programs and supports, contact our district office.
Staff List
Name | Position | Phone | Sway Website | |
Allen, Tracy | tallen@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Principal | 253-571-7272 | Website |
Strozier, Theresa | tstrozi@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Office Coordinator | 253-571-7253 | |
Howes, Lorri | lhowes@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Office Secretary | 253-571-7252 | |
Walsh, Jill | jwalsh@tacoma.k12.wa.us | School Nurse | 253-571-7249 | |
Marshall, Donita | dmarsh@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Health Clerk (T/Th/F) | 253-571-7249 | |
Jacot, Anne | ajacot@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Counselor | 253-571-7251 | Website |
Vaughn, Yvette | yvette.vaughn@tacomaparks.com | ELO Coordinator | 253-301-8347 | |
Brown, Jenna | jbrown9@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Instructional Coach | 253-571-7217 | |
Lindquist, Lauri | llindqu@tacoma.k12.wa.us | School Psychologist | 253-571-7242 | |
Draper, Christina | cdraper@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Occupational Therapist | 253-571-7225 | Website |
Hamilton, Isabelle | ihamilt@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Physical Therapist | 253-571-7229 | |
Yoshikawa, Teri | tyoshik@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Physical Therapist | 253-571-7229 | Website |
Dean, Kayla | kdean@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Speech Therapist | 253-571-7257 | |
Eklund, Mary | meklund@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Speech Therapist | 253-571-7266 | Website |
Thoemke, Brent | bthoemk@tacoma.k12.wa.us | LAP Teacher | 253-571-7237 | Website |
Olivarrias, Iris | kolivar@tacoma.k12.wa.us | LRC Teacher | 253-571-7228 | |
Stephens, Kyle | aschwar@tacoma.k12.wa.us | LRC/LAP | 253-571-7220 | |
Carr, Rene | rcarr@tacoma.k12.wa.us | ML Teacher | 253-571-7212 | Website |
Siridakis, John | jsirida@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Health/PE Teacher | 253-571-7244 | |
Reandeau, Kina | kreande@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Librarian (Mon/Wed) | 253-571-7211 | |
Rice, Christine | crice@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Librarian (Tues) | 253-571-7211 | |
Smolen, Emily | esmolen@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Librarian (Mon) | 253-571-7211 | |
Hreha, Roxanne | rhreha@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Music Teacher | 253-571-7231 | Website |
Barnett, Rebecca | rbarnet@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Title 1 Teacher | 253-571-7261 | |
Estes, Joshua | jestes@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Success Teacher 3-5 | 253-571-7216 | |
Gordorn, Shelley | kimpala@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Success Teacher K-2 | 253-571-7232 | |
Bautista, Lillian | lbauti1@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Success Assistant | 253-571-7216 | |
Ernst, Victoria | vernst@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Success Assistant | 253-571-7216 | |
Forbes, Beau | bforbes@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Success Assistant | 253-571-7216 | |
Ferrel, Emily | eferrel@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Success Assistant | 253-571-7232 | |
Wilson, Jaimion | jwilson2@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Success Assistant | 253-571-7232 | |
Attrill, Christina | cattril@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Headstart Teacher | 253-571-7221 | Website |
Farley, Cara | cfarley@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Headstart Assistant | 253-571-7221 | |
Queree, Tina | tqueree@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Headstart Advocate | 253-571-7271 | |
Dargan, Caylah | mdargan@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Peer-Inclusion Teacher | 253-571-7222 | Website |
Vaughn, Yvette | yvaughn@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Peer-Inclusion Assistant | 253-571-7222 | |
King, Naomi | nking@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Transitional Kindergarten | 253-571-7227 | |
Coates-White, Lena | lcoates2@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Kindergarten Teacher | 253-571-7223 | Website |
McKay, Andrea | alarson@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Kindergarten Teacher | 253-571-7226 | |
Neal, Tonia | tneal3@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Kindergarten Teacher | 253-571-7224 | Website |
Benoit, Alayna | abenoit@tacoma.k12.wa.us | 1st Grade Teacher | 253-571-7236 | Website |
Godderis, Patric | pgodder@tacoma.k12.wa.us | 1st Grade Teacher | 253-571-7239 | Website |
Sandrock, Lisa | lsandro@tacoma.k12.wa.us | 1st Grade Teacher | 253-571-7234 | |
Plaehn, Gretchen | gplaehn@tacoma.k12.wa.us | 2nd Grade Teacher | 253-571-7235 | Website |
Rasmussen, Joni | jrasmu1@tacoma.k12.wa.us | 2nd Grade Teacher | 253-571-7233 | Website |
Driscoll, Tami | tdrisco@tacoma.k12.wa.us | 3rd Grade Teacher | 253-571-7213 | Website |
Garcia, Ryan | rgarcia2@@tacoma.k12.wa.us | 3rd Grade Teacher | 253-571-7215 | Website |
Benson, Erik | ebenson@tacoma.k12.wa.us | 4th Grade Teacher | 253-571-7214 | Website |
Delaney, Zach | zdelane@tacoma.k12.wa.us | 4th/5th Grade Teacher | 253-571-7219 | Website |
Stewart, Edith | estewar@tacoma.k12.wa.us | 5th Grade Teacher | 253-571-7218 | Website |
Frantz, Corrine | cfrantz@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Kitchen Manager | 253-571-7240 | |
Lee, Wendy | wlee@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Kitchen Cashier | 253-571-7240 | |
Pludums, Kathleen | kpludum@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Kitchen Helper | 253-571-7240 | |
Whitesell, Daniel | dwhites@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Daytime Chief Custodian | 253-571-7255 | |
Sandvigen, Isaiah | isandvi@tacoma.k12.wa.us | Evening Custodian | 253-571-7255 |